This Family Turns Exercise Into a Family Affair. Here’s How You Can Too.

by Sasha Reddy

Beyond the pleasure of chasing golf balls and tennis balls across greens and courts, this family of three understands the benefits of physical activity as a shared pursuit. At a young age, Sasha’s mother, Marina, and father, Deryl, introduced her to tennis, a sport they both love and play recreationally. This year, Sasha will play for her high school’s varsity tennis team in addition to continued ballet and golf lessons. Her athletic spirit is reinforced by Marina and Deryl, who have not only encouraged their daughter to try different extra-curriculars but also led by example.

The three don’t always play tennis very well as a family, though. “Sometimes it gets a little frustrating when it’s with your parents,” Sasha smirks.

Marina continues, “We tried to play the three of us, my husband, Sasha, and me. It seems like she and I can play fine, she and her dad can play fine, but when the three of us are trying to play something, every time, we end up mad at each other or frustrated. I don’t know what it is – we’re all very competitive.”

Hitting the court as a family of three can feel like a tug-of-war. Still, Deryl and Sasha love hitting the golf course together, and Marina and Sasha have boosted their tennis game with Pilates Strength and Balance classes at HAC. They’ve attended together most Sundays since the family moved to Hockessin from Louisiana about a year ago.

Join Sasha and Marina for Pilates Strength and Balance with Dace every Sunday morning.

“With dance, [Pilates] definitely helps me stay flexible,” Sasha explains, “Especially over the summer – I only had a couple of summer classes, so doing Pilates really helped me stay in shape for that and not have to worry about not being able to do certain moves. And with tennis it really helps with my overall ankle and wrist strength. It’s really easy to roll your ankle – like, if you step on a ball or just start running the wrong way, or you flick your wrist, it’s a really easy way to get hurt. So, Pilates has definitely helped with that. And then the same thing with golf. Your wrists – they’re so easy to bend the wrong way, but with Pilates, you do a lot of wrist work, so it helps me.”

Marina shares her gratitude for the added chance to bond with her daughter, too. “She’s a teenager – you know how it goes. I was just kind of glad that it’s something that she wants to do with her mom… It’s nice to spend some quality mother-daughter time.”

Though Marina and Sasha have a decent home gym setup, group fitness is a much more motivating way for them to work out. “You’re on the clock,” Marina says, “and you need to do certain reps or a certain weight, or you have 30 seconds more to hold a plank….if I’m by myself, I’m like, ‘No, I’m done. I can’t.’ But if I see other people holding that plank, I’m holding my plank, too.”

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